(If you are getting here from a search engine, the whole story is at http://www.omnux.com/kvandivo/laptop/ )
From ERT2@gateway.com Mon Nov 15 15:21 CST 1999
Received: from nsc272.gateway.com (imail.gateway.com [])
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From: "ERT, NSC" 
To: "'kvandivo@ks.uiuc.edu'" 
Subject: GATEWAY
Date: Mon, 15 Nov 1999 15:21:26 -0600
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Dear Mr. Vandivort,

This email is in reference to the complaint that was filed with the Better
Business Bureau.  I apologize for any inconvenience which you may have
experienced in dealing with Gateway.  I understand that you will be out of
town for a week, please contact me at your earliest convenience to further
discuss this issue.  I can be reached at 1-800-846-2042 extension 26947.  My
normal working hours are from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, central time.  I look
forward to speaking with you to resolve this complaint.

Mike Osterholt
Executive Response Specialist