(If you are getting here from a search engine, the whole story is at http://www.omnux.com/kvandivo/laptop/ )
From kvandivo@caracas.ks.uiuc.edu Tue Nov 30 09:05:13 1999
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 09:05:13 -0600
From: Kirby Vandivort 
To: complaints@siouxcity.bbb.org
Subject: Complaint ID: 2699 delay in closing file
Message-ID: <19991130090512.A14643@caracas.ks.uiuc.edu>
Mime-Version: 1.0
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Yesterday I received a US mail letter from Myrna at your office
concerning the complaint that I had filed against Gateway in reference
to my laptop.

In the letter she said that if she did not hear from me by December 7
that she would close the file and assume that I was satisfied.

I am slightly concerned that this might not be enough time for
Gateway.  Here is the process that has to be completed for this to be

- Gateway is sending me a shipping kit.

- When I get the kit I will box the laptop up in the kit and mail it back
  to them.

- They will work on it.

- They will send me the laptop with the new chassis.

Last time that they sent out a shipping kit it took them about 10 days
to get the shippping kit to me.

This time around, I haven't yet received the shipping kit, and I don't
see that there is any way that all of these things can be accomplished
by December 7.  If you could hold the file open for an additional 2
weeks or so I would feel much safer about having a resolution in that
timeframe.  I would be happy to send you another email when everything
is taken care of if you would like.

Thank you for your time and effort.  The BBB is a terrific
organization.  It is sad that our society _needs_ such an organization,
but you do a wonderful job.


Kirby Vandivort                      Theoretical Biophysics Group
Email: kvandivo@ks.uiuc.edu          3051 Beckman Institute
http://www.ks.uiuc.edu/~kvandivo/    University of Illinois
Phone: (217) 244-5711                405 N. Mathews Ave
Fax  : (217) 244-6078                Urbana, IL  61801, USA